Practice what you preach!

As a clinical nutrition physician specialist, it is my obligation to advice not just a healthy diet, but also a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle includes diet, physical activity or exercise and a happy and un-stressful life 🙂 . And advising these me, ain’t easy. There can be soooo many reasons not to, so many excuses…

Stress Relief

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi I remember posting a note somewhere on social media about my life that has been always in a rush lately at that time, where I have to walk twice faster; going from one occasion to another; doing multiple tasks at once; waking up in…

#janganlupabahagia, with healthy eating

Frase ini sedang amat sangat melekat di sanubari. Diawali oleh percakapan hangat dengan seorang kawan lama dan diakhiri dengan kalimat “Jangan lupa bahagia ya”. And right at that moment, in the confusion that I was facing for weeks, hit me. Hard. Everybody deserves to be happy. Even me. Despite all the problems and obstacles you…


Well it’s been quite a while after the last time I have ever written, years ago I guess. So I may say that an “introduction” would do me good. So here I am, trying to get back to writing. I used to write about stuffs, just about anything that pops outta my head, what strikes…